Listening and not listening to voices
We live in sound, it is all around us. We are implicated in the social relationships and ideologies that we hear reflected back to us. Sound art offers the chance to critique the world that we hear, and to produce new and different possibilities. Are sound artists taking up the challenge of offering new ways of knowing or changing the world, and does this need new ways of listening and understanding? Can sound art act as a tool for radical change by ‘de-conditioning’ our listening and helping us cross linguistic, cultural, geographic, ethnic, gendered, specied and sexual prejudicial borders? This audio paper will consider how new listenings might lead to a richer, more inclusive sound art, that can embrace and celebrate difference.
Audio Paper
Feldman, S. (2008) Speak up: Why do women screech when men shout? Available from Rationalist Association, http://rationalist.org.uk/articles/1858/speak-up [accessed 1.12.13]
Heddon, D. (2008). Autobiography and performance. Hampshire: Palgrave.
Hooks, B. (1990) Marginality as a Site of Resistance. In Ferguson, R. et. al.(Eds.) Out There: Marginalization and Contemporary Cultures. Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press
Hooks Bell interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ShWJf8BIqI accessed 24.3.2017
Lane, C. (2011) Listening for the Past: A composer's ear-lead approach to exploring island culture past and present in the Outer Hebrides. In http://shimajournal.org/issues/v5n1/h.-Lane-Shima-v5n1-114-127.pdf
Lane, C. (2015) Sandy Jaffas (sound work). Courtesy of the author
Lane, C. (2016) Mapping the Outer Hebrides in sound: towards a sonic methodology. Island Studies Journal, 11(2): 343-358.
Serres, M. (2008) The Fives Senses: A Philosophy of Mingled Bodies (translated Sankey, M and Cowley, P) London: Continuum.
Stadler, G. (2015) On Whiteness and Sound Studies https://soundstudiesblog.com/2015/07/06/on-whiteness-and-sound-studies/ [accessed 25.5.2016]
Stoever-Ackerman, J. (2010). Splicing the Sonic Color-Line: Tony Schwarz mixes postwar Nueva York. Social Text 102:28:1.
Schwarz,T. (1955) Nueva York: A Tape Documentary of Puerto Rican New Yorkers, Folkways Records
Viv Corringham (voice) & Maggie Nichols (voice) at Mopomoso free improvisation night. Filmed by Kostas Chondros at the Vortex, London, on 21 December 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqQDr5n_X54 [accessed 2.1.17].
Wright, M.P. (2013) (video work) A proposed vocabulary exchange. Courtesy of the author.
Sound Art Matters

Listening and not listening to voices
This audio paper considers how new listenings might lead to a richer, more inclusive sound art, that can embrace and celebrate difference.
- Cathy Lane

The Audibility of Rebellion versus Nationalism
Using sounds of political chanting from Turkey, the paper shows how political orientation changes the inflection of chant, reflecting its societal positioning and purpose.
- Jeremy Woodruff

Addressing the collision of the tactile and the sonic, the audio paper discusses how sonic frontiers are exploited and transgressed in the installation “Kabusha Radio Remix”.
- Kwame Phillips,
- Debra Spitulnik Vidali
Beyond Matter: Object-disoriented Sound Art
Questioning sound as an ‘exhibited’ artistic object from a conceptual leaning, the article address sound’s subjective inclination as an experience beyond the material object.
- Budhaditya Chattopadhyay
A Temple of Sonic Haecceities
An investigation of the sonic and durational experiences that formed the encounter with three artworks at the museum Dia:Beacon.
- David Chesworth
Diagram for invisibility
The article suggests a “diagrammatic” reading of the notion of the acousmatic, where an experiential tension unfolds based on what can and cannot be seen, in relation to what is heard.
- Rune Søchting

The Im/mediate Noise
This paper seeks to explore digital media polemics in relation to the use of sound in ‘algorithmic culture’ discussing two artistic works by the author himself.
- Kevin Day
Turntable Materialities
This article argues that as historic avant-gardes made visible the destruction of art, so modified records attempt to make audible the destruction of sound.
- Mark Harris
Tears, Fears and Flashes
Considering the relationship between interpersonal understanding and propagandist rhetoric, the article speculates on the ethical implications of such a relationship.
- Ido Govrin