Sanne Krogh Groth

Face it and voice it
When you close your eyes to obvious acts of violence and evil, you only allow it to grow says Ukrainian composer Alla Zagaykevych, who believes in electronic music as a radical form of freedom. Reportage from the event »Antifascism - Electronic music from worlds on fire« in Lund, Sweden.

audio paper
De tavse tilskuere
Tyske fodboldfans har gennem længere tid gjort brug af tavse protester for at yde et profitorienteret fodboldmaskineri modstand.

Rokade i Seismografs redaktion
Efter otte år takker Sanne Krogh Groth delvist af og overlader roret til Sune Anderberg. Hun fortsætter dog i redaktionen.

Just spoke: Composing with objects, performing with subjects
A private reflexion on the proces of grief and mourning in relation to composing.

Sanne Krogh Groth