Fluxus festival

| DMT Årgang 37 (1962) nr. 07 - side 230-232

Artiklen er indscannet fra det trykte magasin; der tages forbehold for fejl

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  • Annonce

    Annoncér hos Seismograf

Fluxus festival Navnene på Fluxus-aktørerne er: Harald Boje, Arthur Køpcke, Dick Higgins, Allison Knowles, Nám June Paik, Wolf Vostell, George Maciunas og Emmett Williams. Desuden vil seks danske musikere medvirke ved koncerterne i Nikolai Kirke. - Festivalens data og programmer ser sådan ud (der er mulighed for enkelte programændringer) : Fredag 23. november kl. 20 Lørdag 24. november kl. 20 KONCERT nr. l Noninstrumentale KONCERT nr. 2 Instrumental-og kompositioner vokal-kompositioner (»action-music«) Jackson Mac LQW l Mm for ^ numbers Joseph Byrd pièce for R. Maxfield for silence Jackson Mac Low thanks II Dick Higgins constellation no. 7 &4 Dieter Schnebel visible music for solo Emmett Williams 4-directional song of conductor doubt for 5 voices George Brecht direction George Maciunas solo for ukulele solo for mouth and George Maciunas m memoriam to Adriano microphone Olivetti George Brecht card pièce for voice George Brecht candie pièce for radios drip music ^en Patterson variations for double bass Dick Higgins constellation no. 2 George Brecht flute solo saxophone solo Ben Patterson overture (version II) string solo Terry Riley ear pièce (for audience) La Monte Young composition I960 no. 7 George Brecht word event (string quartet) Robert Filliou Kabou inema Fra Fluxus Festhalens repertoire: Komposition I960 nr. 3: Meddel publikum, hvornår stykket begynder og slutter, hvis det har en begrænset varighed. Det kan have en hvilken som helst varighed.

Meddel så, at enhver kan gøre nøjagtig, hvad han har lyst til inden for kompositionens varighed.

La Monte Young, 5. 14. I960.

Søndag 25. november kl. 20 KONCERT nr. 3 Instrumental- og vokal-kompositioner og »action music« Ken j ir o Ezaki discrétion (for female voice) Toshi Ichiyanagi stanzas (for contra bass) music for electric metronome IBM for M. Cunningham Yasunao Tone Anagram for strings (quartet) Yoko Ono the pulse Takenhisa Kosugi Micro I & Anima I Nam June Paik New pièce Tirsdag 27. november kl. 20 KONCERT nr. 4 Noninstrumentale kompositioner (»action-music«) Pierre Mercure structures métalliques no. 3 Robert Watts 2 inches & event 13 Sylvano Bussotti pièce for Nam June Paik Simone Morris dance construction Ben Patterson septet (from ""lemons"") solo for dancer glove pièce from methods & processes whipped cream from methods & processes Wolf Vostell décollage Nam June Paik under tarpaulin others to be determined La Monte Young composition I960 no. 3 Arthur Køpcke New pièce Onsdag 28. november kl. 20 KONCERTnr. 5 Klaver-kompositioner Toshi Ichiyanagi Music for piano no.: 2, 5&7 Sylváne Bussotti piano pieces for David Tudor Per tré (?) György Ligeti trois bagatelles Philip Corner piano activities (10 pianists) George Maciunas piano pièce no. 11 for NJP Giuseppe Chiari gesti sul piano Grifith Rose 2nd. ennead La Monte Young piano pièce I960 no. 13 566 to Henry Flynt Yoriaki Matsudaira Co-Action (cello and piano) George Brecht Incidental music - 1961 3 piano pièces 1962 La Monte Young piano pièce for D. Tudor no. 2 Torsdag 29. november kl. 20 KONCERT nr. 6 Maskinel musik: bånd og film John Cage Fontana Mix & Music for the Marrying Maiden Richard Maxfield Cough music, Rádio music, Steam, Pastorál Symphony, Night music Stan Vanderbeek Films: A La Mode, what who how, Achoo Mr. Keroochev Cioni Carpi Point and Counterpoint George Brecht 3 yellow events, & 2 durations Nám June Paik films Dick Higgins requiem