November 2024
On the Typical, the Indistinct and the Impersonal in the Sonic Arts, Media and Auditory Culture
A peer-reviewed platform for contemporary music and sound art
Seismograf Peer is a peer-reviewed online platform devoted to practical and theoretical issues in relation to contemporary music, sound art and sound studies. Our formats of publications are audio papers and research article.
Seismograf Peer covers a broad range of topics including sonic materialities, modes of listening, philosophy of sound and music, aesthetics, technology and audio visuality as well as performative, curatorial and archival matters related to the sonic arts.
Seismograf Peer encourages a wide spread of methodologies and theoretical discourses, ranging from the more established academic approaches such as sound studies, musicology, cultural studies and performance studies to artistic research, practice-based research, artist writing and media archaeology.
Seismograf Peer is hosted by Seismograf, a Danish magazine with a long and proud tradition of publishing essays, interviews and reviews by music journalists and critics as well as academics and composers, acting as an inspiring and important platform within the field. Seismograf Peer is a natural development of this tradition, acknowledging the demands of publication within universities, music academies and art schools.
Our platform appears in the Danish, the Norwegian, and the Finnish registers for scientific journals.
Seismograf is supported by the Danish Arts Council, Danish Composers’ Society, Nordic Culture Point and the Independent Research Fund Denmark.
The work published in Seismograf Peer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Articles and audio papers published within the framework of Seismograf Peer will undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial screening by editors and anonymised refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Submitted contributions have to be original and must not have been published or submitted elsewhere. We only publish contributions as part of thematic issues. Suggestions to themes, guest-editors and journal collaborations are very welcome.
12-15 minutes
150-200 words are required for all audio papers submitted.
A written bibliography has to be attached following Harvard standard (in-text).
Up to 100 words for all authors are required. Portraits are welcome, but optional (please include photo credit).
The audio paper is a 12-15 minute-long audio production presenting a research question or focus. The audio paper combines speech and narratives with “sonic argumentation” which can be composed through sound recordings, sound productions or any other sound practices, voice practices, the audible use of one’s body, everyday tools, gadgets, musical instruments, computer software or all kinds of objects and agents. All audio papers are being peer reviewed by reviewers within the given field. The reviewers are asked to assess after these guidelines: A clear and contextualized research question / focus of exploration; a clear and vivid argumentation and exploration of the research question / focus; meaningful and original use of sound as medium and content to support, present and anesthetize the argumentation; coherence between dramaturgical composition (tempo, density, narrative structure) and content; appropriate references in the accompanying text (abstract and bibliography) and/or in the audio production. Please visit seismograf.org/fokus/fluid-sounds for further thoughts on and examples of audio papers.
6000-8000 words
150-200 words are required for all audio papers submitted.
A written bibliography has to be attached following Harvard standard (in-text)
Up to 100 words for all authors are required. Portraits are welcome, but optional (please include photo credit).
Only contributions in English are accepted.
Embedded videos, photos, sound files and links to online platforms are welcome. Copyrights need to be cleared by the authors.
We are inviting written articles of a performative character. But, as with the audio paper, this does not mean that anything goes. Seismograf is an independent journal concerning aesthetics and art forms within the fields of sound, sound art and contemporary music. The readers of this journal are therefore not academics only, but cover a variety of people – dedicated listeners, artists, critics, curators etc. We are open towards written submissions that stretch the format beyond traditional academic publishing – but that are still being peer reviewed. The review guidelines concern: Strength, originality and clarity of the overall argument in the article; originality of and insight into the empirical material; strength and originality in presentation, argumentation and discussion; relevance of the literature references referred to.
Please submit your proposal to
Sanne Krogh Groth, Associate professor in Musicology, Lund University, Sweden (manager of editorial group)
Marie Koldkjær Højlund, Associate professor of Sound Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark
Meri Kytö, University Teacher in Musicology and reader in Sound Studies, University of Turku, Finland
Andreo Mielczarek, Editor-in-Chief of Seismograf
Morten Riis, Teaching Associate Professor in Digital Design and Information Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark
Ulrik Schmidt, Associate professor in Performance Design, Roskilde University, Denmark
Holger Schulze, Professor in Musicology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Stefan Östersjö, Professor of Musical Performance, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Please contact sanne@seismograf.org for further information.
Call opens spring 2025
Editorial group from Center for Sound Studies at Aarhus University: Mia Flach Yates, Therese Wiwe Vilmar, Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen, Iben Have, Morten Riis, Morten Breinbjerg, Anette Vandsø, Sissel Raahede Lundgaard and Marie Koldkjær Højlund.
For more information, please contact Marie Koldkjær Højlund (musmkh@cc.au.dk)
Call opens August 2024
Deadline for abstracts: October 1 2024
Deadline for audio papers: December 162024
For more information please contact Stefan Östersjö (stefan.ostersjo@ltu.se)
GENERIC SOUNDS. On the typical, indistinct and impersonal in the sonic arts, media and auditory culture
Deadline for abstracts: December 1 2023
Deadline for articles and audio papers: April 1 2023
For more information please contact Ulrik Schmidt (ulriksc@ruc.dk) / Morten Riis (riis.morten@gmail.com)
WHAT SOUNDS DO. New directions in an anthropology of sound
Call for audio papers and research papers
Deadline 10 February 2023
For more information please contact Holger Schulze (schulze@hum.ku.dk)
GRIEF. Sonic expressions of loss, pain and sadness
Call for audio papers
Deadline 15 October 2022
For more information please contact Meri Kytö (meri.kyto@utu.fi) / Sanne Krogh Groth (sanne@seismograf.org)
Submit to peer@seismograf.org