X ISME Conference Tunisia July 1972

| DMT Årgang 46 (1971) nr. 06 - side 198-199

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X ISME Conference Tunisia July 1972

The ISME will hold its Tenth International Conference in Tunis and Carthage/Tunisia from July 13th to 20th 1972 under the auspices of the Tunisian Ministry of Culture and Information. Host to the 1972 meeting will be the Tunisian Board of Music and Popular Arts.

General Theme

The general theme of the X ISME Conference is MUSIC and SOCIETY

Music Education in its Aesthetic and Social Context. A phenomenon of contemporary life throughout the world is the extent to which young people have found music an element in social behaviour. As this spontaneous musical expression commonly reflects little relationship to organized music education there appears to be a need to reassess the aims and methods of music at all levels of general education. To fulfil the above purpose the conference programme will consider

Music in training of teachers
Music at all levels of school and college instruction
Music as an out-of-school activity. It will also consider

The contribution of audio/visual aids and the mass media of radio and television to music education. Being the first such conference to be held in the Mediterranean area and the first on the African continent a series of special sessions will be devoted to music education in these parts of the world:

Music education in the nations around the Mediterranean
Music education in the nations of the African continent.
The conference will further aim to extend the
Cooporation between ISME and other international bodies whose activities' relate to music and education.


The ISME Research Commission will organize a plenary session devoted to recent developments in research in music education.


Abstracts of the papers (two or three typewritten pages, up to 500 words, must reach the ISME Secretary General in two copies by March 1st 1972.

In any country where a representative national organisation is a member body of the ISME, the author of a paper will require to have his contribution supported by that organization in order to have it included in the conference programme.

The authors of the papers will be notified of the acceptance of their abstracts as soon as possible. The papers based on the approved abstracts must be typed in one of the official languages Arabic, English, French and German and should not exceed 2000 words, so that presentation should take no more than 30 minutes including demonstrations on record, tape, movie etc.

Performing groups

Children's and youth choruses, orchestras, bands and ensembles may appear at the conference. In deciding which groups are to perform at the conference those which have not been featured in the programme of previous ISME conferences will be given preference.

Application for participation in the conference by children's and youth groups must reach the ISME Secretary General not later than February 15th. 1972. These applications must be accompanied by the programmes of the group's appearance, stating the duration of the items to be performed. The programme must be in keeping with the General Theme of the conference. No performance must exceed 40 minutes in duration.

In any countries where a representative national organization is a member body of the ISME, a performing group will require to have its application supported by that organization in order to be considered for inclusion in the conference programme.

Accepted participating groups must send to the Tunisian Conference Organizing Committee lists of the members of the children's and youth groups stating the exact number of boys and girls and also of men and women who accompany them. Exact information on the group's arrival in and departure from Tunisia should also be sent to the Tunisian Conference Organizing Committee. Lists of participants and information on travel should reach the Tunisian Conference Organizing Committee not later than April 1st. 1972.


The countries participating in the X ISME Conference are invited to present their exhibits on the General Theme of the conference. The exhibition will feature printed music, books, records, films, photographs and other materials. Firms that exhibit are themselves responsible for the arrangement and the taking down of the naterial exhibited.

Arrangement should be made with the Tunisian Conference Organizing Committee not later than April 15th, 1972.


The official languages of the X ISME Conference will be Arabic, English, French and German. English, French or German should be used in correspondance with ISME offices outside of Tunesia.

ISME Membership fee

Everybody participating in the X ISME Conference must pay membership fee (individual ISME membership fee p.t. US $ 5-) for the ISME fiscal year 1972/73.

Application for membership should be sent to the ISME Secretary General. The ISME Secretary General will also receive membership fees.

Membership fees could be sent in US dollars or in any other convertible Currency.

Members of performing groups are exempted from membership fee.

ISME Conference fee

All participants in the X ISME Conference including speakers pay to the Tunisian Conference Organizing Committee a registration fee of US $ 6 (or the equivalent in any other currency that can be exchanged for US dollars). The registration fee could be paid at registration or sent to the Isme Secretary General together with the registration form.

Members of performing groups are excempted from registration fee.


Registrations should reach the Secretary General of ISME, Professor Henning Bro Rasmussen, 133 Carina-parken, DK 3460 Birkerød/Denmark not later than March 1st., 1972.

Cost of accommodation:

single room and breakfast
per day and per person
double room and breakfast
per day and per person

First class hotels 10 d, 550-9 d, 800 6 d, 750-5 d, 850

Hotels, class A 5 d, 300 3 d, 300

Hotels, class B 3d, 800 3 d, 000

Economy hotels (C) 2 d, 500 2 d, 000

(bath or douche in the rooms)

Economy hotels (D) 2 d, 000 1 d, 500

(common sanitary installations) 1 d (dinar) = cjrc. US $ 2.

Early applications for accommodation should reach the Secretary General of ISME, Professor Henning Bro Rasmussen, 133 Carinaparken, DK-3460 Birkerød/Denmark not later than March 1st, 1972.

Especially for members of performing groups but also for a reduced number of conference participants there is the possibility of accommodation in rooms dormitories of the University of Tunis. Full board and lodging 2 d, 300 per day and per person.

Groups and members who want accommodation in the rooms of the Cité Universitaire send their application directly to

ISME Conference Organizing Committee

Direction de la Musique et des Arts Populaires

20, Avenue de Paris


giving the exact number of males and females and giving the exact information on arrival and departure.


As it is not possible at the forthcoming Tunisian conference to accommodate an unlimited number of participants, the ISME Board of Directors and the Conference Organizing Committee must reserve the right to limit participation to the number that can be accommodated.

Transport Service

To take the conference participants to and from the conference buildings a special transport service is established during the conference. Season-tickets could be bought at registration. Address of the Conference Organizing Committee:

Direction de la Musique et des Arts Populaires 20, Avenue de Paris

Dansk ISME-repræsentant:


c/o Dansk Musikpædagogisk Forening Abildgårdsparken 6 3460 Birkerød

Hertil indsendes evt. foredragsmanuskripter, anmodning om deltagelse som kor og ensemblegruppe.

Fra NMPU's kontor rekvireres aim. deltagertilmeldelsesblanket.


foregår onsdag den 12. januar kl. 20 hos Ragnhild Toft, Si Kongensgade 63.

Karin Høgenhaven, der leder den musikpædagogiske uddannelse på Musikkonservatoriet, vil fortælle om uddannelsen og den forestående nyordning.

Tilmelding senest mandag den 10. januar til kontoret, tlf. (01)814630.