
| DMT Årgang 46 (1971) nr. 11 - side 276-276

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  • Annonce

  • Annonce

    Annoncér hos Seismograf



Deutscher Demokratischer Rundfunk, Radio ""Stimme der DDR"", invites all songwriters and composers to participate in an international Solidarity Song Competition.

For this competition poems ballads, songs, chansons and choral and mass songs may be submitted which express the spirit of active solidarity with the peoples throughout the world oppressed by imperialism and with the patriots persecuted and imprisoned by it.

Participation in the competition is open to song-writers and composers from all countries.

Compositions may be submitted either in fully instrumented version or in a version for piano.

Entries should be submitted not later than September 30, 1972 (date of postmark).

A jury composed of representatives of the radio stations of Deutscher Demokratischer Rund-

funk will select the 10 best entries (words and music) and award the following prizes:

First Prize 3,000 Marks

Second Prize 2,500 marks

Third Prize 2,000 Marks

Fourth & Fifth

Prizes 1,000 Marks each

Sixth to Tenth

Prizes 750 Marks each

10 prizes will be arwarded for texts (poems) sent in without music:

First Prize 1,000 Marks Second Prize 750 Marks

Third Prize 500 Marks

Fourth to Tenth Prizes 300 Marks each

Alle prize-winning entries of the song competition will be broadcast in the GDR in December 1972 during the ""Freedom for Peace"" solidarity campaign.

Deutscher Demokratischer Rundfunk will decide whether the prize-winning entries should be recorded in an arrangement with artists from the GDR or in the original version, possibly with an artist from the country of origin.

The first three prize-winning texts (poems) will also be broadcast.

The winners of the prizes for musical works and of the first three prizes for texts will be invited to visit the GDR. Travelling costs and costs of a three days' stay will be paid by Deutscher Demokratischer Rundfunk.

The decisions of the jury are final; legal steps are excluded.

All prize- winning entries become the property of Deutscher Demokratischer Rundfunk. Radio ""Stimme der DDR"" reserves for itself the right to buy entries which did not win a prize, paying the fees which are customary in the territory of the GDR.

Entries should be sent to:

""Stimme der DDR"", Solidarity Song Competition 116 Berlin, Nalepastraße 18-50