
| DMT Årgang 47 (1972-1973) nr. 06 - side 177-177

Artiklen er indscannet fra det trykte magasin; der tages forbehold for fejl

  • Annonce

  • Annonce

    Concerto Copenhagen

Tidsskriftrevy ved Nanna Schiødt

Nutida Musik 1972-73/1 Norden nu! Island (l forbindelse hermed bør læses Eiri-kur Hreinn Finnbogason Islänningarna och böckerna i Biblioteksbladet 1972/14.). / Bo Wallner Rosenberg och 20-talet (2. No. 1 publiceredes i NM 1971-72/4). / Bengt Hambræus Tibetanske dödsboken och vår tids Ijudlandskab — en studie kring och med Robert Murray Schafer. — Perspectives of New Music springsummer 1972. Henri Rousseur Stravinsky by way of Webern. The Consistency of a syntax. / Philip Norman Batstone Multiple order functions in twelve-tone music. / Aloys Kontarsky Notation for piano (. . .""How contemporary music should be notated. . ."" Hvordan spiller man efter grafisk notation). / Robin Ma-conie Stockhausen's Mikrophonie I — Perception in action. / Gundaris Pone Webern and Luigi Nono — The genesis of a new compositional morphology and syntax. / Hubert S. Howe jr. Compositional limitations of electronic music synthesizers. — The Music Review 1972/4 Hugh Benham The music of John Taverner (c. 1495 - 1545): A liturgical study. / Leon Crick more The musical Gestalt. / Michael E. Broyles Rhytm, metre and Beethoven. - The World of Music 1972/4 Gunnar Bucht Western Europe: Who needs the composer? / Bernhard Jacobsen USA: Tyranny of money and tradition. / Yuri Korev USSR: Achieving Lenin's ideas in music. / Akimishi Takeda Japan: Shomyo or Schubert (Shomyo = old Buddhist devotional chant). — Svensk Tidskrift for Musikforskning 1972 Hans Epp-stein duo och dialog. Om ett struktur-och stilproblem i kammarmusiken (Sonater for et melodiinstrument og klaver). / Johan Sundberg Naturvetenskaplig metodik i musikforskning. / Lage Wedln Multidimensional scaling of emotional expressing in music.