Ole Schmidt i Storbritannien

| DMT Årgang 50 (1975-1976) nr. 04 - side 185-185

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Ole Schmidt i Storbritannien

Det britiske koncertbureau Clarion Concert Agency Ltd., der er agent for Ole Schmidt, introducerer den danske kapelmester således i sin nyhedspublikation:


Winter 1975

Volume 2, Number 1

Powerful Nielsen by

Ole Schmidt

(Daily Telegraph)

Ole Schmidt was chosen recently to open the London Symphony Orchestra's season, following their outstanding recordings of Carl Nielsen 's symphonies under his baton (see reviews page 5).

Ole Schmidt fut choisi il y a peu de temps pour ouvrir la saison du LSO. Celte choix résultait du succès des enregistrements exceptionnels des symphonies de Nielsen dirigées par Schmidt (voir page 5).

Nach den erfolgreichen Aufnahmen von Carl Nielsens Symphonien unter seiner Leitung (siehe Besprechung Seite 5), wurde Öle Schmidt erwählt, die Saison des Londoner Symphonie Orchesters zu eröffnen.

OLE SCHMIDT, conductor

The following extract by Edward Greenfield, of The Guardian, contains the essence of a sheaf of discerning and favourable reviews that greeted the first complete set of Nielsen Symphonies. On Nielsen's birthday this year. Öle was awarded the highest mark of respect in Danish musical life - the Carl Nielsen Prize of £6.500 - presented by the composer's daughter. Both the conception and execution of this splendid set were, to a large extent, his personal achievement.

Some months back I remember asking friends in the London Symphony Orchestra whether they had been to any good recording sessions lately. To a man they pronounced that quite exceptionally successful had been a series of sessions with a conductor I had hardly heard of, Ole Schmidt from Denmark. In a freezing church (St Giles, Cripplegate) during the power cuts of last winter the orchestra had recorded a cycle of the symphonies of Carl Nielsen, and the players, so far from jibbing at the hardships - not just physical but musical too - had revelled in the experience.

Sceptical as I was that a virtually unknown conductor, could make such an immediate impression, I waited impatiently for the finished records, not least because this was to be the first genuine Nielsen cycle on record. My informants did not exaggerate. Hearing all six symphonies in sequence in these searching, brilliantly played performances under Ole Schmidt has for me been a revelation.

Nielsen: Symphonies Nos. 1-6 London Symphony Orchestra, with Jill Gomez and Brian Ravner Cook

Unicorn RHS 324-330 price £17.00 (6 LPs plus intro. disc by Dr. Robert Simpson)