
| DMT Årgang 54 (1979-1980) nr. 01 - side 41-41

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    Concerto Copenhagen

The Musical Quarterly 1979/1 Robert Falck Parody and contrafac-tum: a terminological clarification. / Aubrey S. Garlington E. T. A. Hoffmann's »Der Dichter und der Komponist« and the creation of the German romantic opera. / Vilma Raskin Potter Poetry and the fiddler's foot: Meters in Thomas Hardy's work (1840-1928). / Tibor Backmann and Peter J. Bachmann An analysis of Béla Bar-tok's music through Fibonnaccian numbers (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, etc.) and the tolden mean (0,618). / Luise Eitel Perke Kreut-zer's »Wanderlieder« (1815): The other »Winterreise«. / Jon H. Appleton Electronic music: Questions of style and compositional technique.

The World of Music 1978/3 Hans-Heinz Stuckenschmidt Symbols and Symbolism in European music. / Gen'ichi Tsuge Bamboo, silk, dragon and phoenix. Symbolism in the musical instruments of Asia. / Alain Danielou Symbolism in the musical Theories of the Orient (»... One could even consider music as the most abstract, the most fundamental form of symbolism, the key to all other symbols.«) / Maria Rika Maniâtes Musical symbolism. / Amnon Shiloah The symbolism of music in the Kabbalistic tradition (»Kabbalah« ... the general term applied to a whole religious movement which has geen going on from Talmudic times to the present day«). / Sunil Kothari Symbolism in Indian dance. / Maria Ester Grebe Relationships between music practice and cultural context: The Kultrun and its symbolism (Kultrun = an Amerindian shaman's drum). / Rudolph Heinemann ISCM festival days in Stockholm and Helsinki, May 1978. (Understreger Bendt Viinholt Nielsens tanker i DMT maj 1979).

Acta Musicologica 1978/Fasc. MI Arthur Mendel Pitch in Western music since 1500. A re-examination. / Walter Blankenburg Die Bachforschung seit etwa 1965. Ergebnisse - Probleme - Aufgaben. / Diane Touliatos-Banker State of the discipline of Byzantine music. / Agosino Ziino Polifonia »arcaica« e »retrospettivá« in Italia centrale: nuove testimonianze. / Don Harrán In pursuit of origins: The earliest writing on text underlay (c. 1440). / William S. New-mann Musicology in the United States in 1977. / Cecil Adkins and Alis Dickinson Musicological works in progress. Musikrevy 1979/1 Specialnummer om Wilhelm Peterson-Berger (1867-1942).

Musikrevy 1979/2 Herbert Connor Wagner og Chopin. / Ebbe Selen Neruda en Böhmare i Dresden (Johann Baptist Neruda 1707-1780). / Ove Nordwall Krzysztof Penderecki. / C arm Atterling-Wedar En framsynt dårskap (om det i efteråret 1977 startede »Nordiskt Musikkonservatorium« i Österskär). Nutida Musik 1978-79/4 Nils Göran Sundin Jan Carlstedts femte stråkkvartett (1978). / Jaroslav Hutka Förbjuden att spela popu-lärmusiken i Böhmen - baggrund och dagsläge. Musica 1979/1 Nummeret behandler guitaren, guitaristen og guitarmusik. Jürgen Libbert 400 Jahre Gitarre und Gitarristen. / Andreas Schroth Den Gesang verschwistert. Die Gitarre in der Romantik. / Winfrid Heitland Zur Rekonstruktion historischer Musikinstrumente. Das Beispiel der Vihuela de mano. / Hans Halden Die Gitarre im Jazz.

Musica 1979/2. Nummeret behandler analyse og interpretation. Clemens Kühn Verlust der Unmittelbarkeit? Der Interpret und die Analyse. / Peter Gülke »Sterb ich, so hüllt in Blumen meine Glieder ...« Zu einem Liede von Hugo Wolf. / Rudolf Kolisch und René Leibowitz Aufführungsprobleme im Violinkonzert von Beethoven.

Jazz Journal 1979/4 Ray Spencer Strictly instrumental - piano talk./ Max Harrison Stan Kenton - the innivation band I. Jazz Journal 1979/5 Mike Hennesy Johnny Griffin and the jazz life force./ Max Harrison The Kenton innovations band II. Revue de Musicologie 1978/1 Michel Hugh Aux origines des tropes d'interpolation: le trope méloforme d'introït.