Steve Reich: Værkliste

| DMT Årgang 58 (1983-1984) nr. 05 - side 224-224

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1963 Film Music for The Plastic Haircut MS

1964 Music for 3 or More Pianos or Piano and Tape MS

1965 Film Music for Oh Dem Watermelons MS

1965 *Its Gonna Rain for tape MS

1966 *Come Outfortape MS 1966 Melodica for tape MS

1966 Reed Phase for soprano saxophone and tape MS

1967 Piano Phase for two pianos or two marimbas Universal 1967 Slow Motion Sound for tape MS 1967 My Name Is for three or more tape recorders, performers, and audience MS

1967 *Violin Phase for violin and pre-recorded tape or four violins Universal

1968 Pendulum Music for three or more microphones, amplifiers, and loud-speakers Universal

1969 Pulse Music for phase shifting pulse gate MS

1969 Four Log Drums for phase shifting pulse gate and log drums MS

1970 *Four Organs for four electric organs and maracas Universal

1970 Phase Patterns for four electric organs Universal

1971 *Drumming for eight small tuned drums, three marimbas, three glockenspiels, two female voices, whistling, and piccolo (Boosey and Hawkes)

1972 Clapping Music for two performers Universal

1973 *Sic Pianos for six pianos (Boosey and Hawkes) 1973 *Music for Mallet Instruments, Voices, and Organ for four marimbas, two glockenspiels, metallophone, three female voices, and electric organ (Boosey and Hawkes) 1973 *Music for Pieces of Wood for five pairs of tuned claves Universal

1976 *Music for Eighteen Musicians (Boosey and Hawkes)

1978 *Music for a Large Ensemble (Boosey and Hawkes)

1979 *Octet for two pianos, string quartet, two clarinets (bass clarinet, flute, piccolo) (Boosey and Hawkes)

1979 *Variations for Winds, Strings, and Keyboards for chamber orchestra (or orchestra) (Boosey and Hawkes)

1980 *My Name Is — Ensemble Portrait (Octet) for tape MS

1981 *Tehillim for 6 percussions, 4 voices, 4 winds, stringquartet and two organs (Boosey and Hawkes)

1982 * Vermont Counter point for flute and tape or 11 flutes (also for violin and tape) (Boosey and Hawkes)

1983 Eight Lines (Octet) for chamberorchestra (Boosey and Hawkes)

1984 The Desert Music for choir and orchestra (Boosey and Hawkes)

Værkerne på Boosey and Hawkes forventes udgivet i løbet af 1984.

The Desert Musik er udgivet.

Værker med * er udgivet på plade (på DG, ECM, Philips eller EMI-Angel).


af Steve Reich:

Writings about Music (Universal

Edition, 1974)

Værknoter (på samtlige pladecovers)

om Steve Reich:

Clytus Gottwald: Signale zwischen

Exotik und Industrie (Melos 1975, jan.)

Clytus Gottwald/Gyorgy Ligeti:

Tendenzen der Neue Musik in USA (Musik und Bildung 1976, febr.)

Colegagne: Sound Pieces (Scarecrow Press 1982)

Michael Nyman: Steve Reich (Music & Musicians 1977, jan.)

Michael Nyman: Interview with Steve Reich (Musical Times 1971, marts)

Michael Nyman: Steve Reich -mysteries of the Phase (Music & Musicians 1972, febr.)

Donald Henahan: Reich? Philharmonic? Paradiddling? (New York Times 1971, 24. okt)

Kenneth Terry: Steve Reich (Downbeat 1977,11. aug.)

Nicolaus Kenyon: Spaced out (The New Yorker, 1980,10. marts)

Gregory Sandow: Steve Reich -something new (Village Voice, 1980, 10. marts)

Joan la Barbara: Three by Reich (Hi Fi/Musical America, 1980, juni)

David Sterrit: Tradition Ressen - The composer Steve Reich (Christian Science Monitor, 1980, 23. okt.)

Tom Johnson: The New Tonality (Village Voice, 1978,16. okt.)

Wayne Alpern: An interview with Steve Reich (New York Arts Journal, 1980, jan.)

Catherine O'Neill: A modern composer, whose rhythms ride the ages (The Chronical Review, 1978, 13. nov.)

Peter Hey worth: Mr. Reich's Revolution (The Observer Review, 1977, 6. febr.)

John Rockwell: Reich in Review (New York Times 1977, 18. maj)

Andrew Porter: Patterns (The New Yorker 1978, 6. nov.)

John von Rhein: Many-sided Maestro (The Chicago Tribune 1979, 4. marts)

Ingram Marshall: Musik som gradvis udvikling, komponisten som gradvis profet (Nutida Musik 1982/83 nr. 3)

Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen: Ny

Enkelhed ännu en gang (mere generelt). (Nutida Musik 1978/79 nr. 3^).

Michael Nyman: Minimal Music, determinacy and the new tonality (i bogen Experimental Music, Cage and Beyond, London 1974)

Gisela Gronemeyer: Zu Steve Reichs Psalmkomposition »Tehillim« (Musiktexte nr. 2, dec. 1983).

Wim Mertens: American Minimal Music- Young, Riley, Reich & Glass (Kahn & Averill, London 1983)

K. Robert Schwarz: Steve Reich -Music as a Gradual Process (Perspectives of New Music 1981 spring/summer og 1981/82 fall/spring).

- sidstnævnte er en grundig gennemgang - 80 sider - af Reich's produktion .