Peter Maxwell Davies - ein Komponistenporträt (red. af R. Juet-ner) - Boosey/Bonn 1983
Alberto Ginast era (red. af Fr. Spangemacher) - Boosey/Bonn, 1984
Women Composers: a Disco-graphy (Jane Fraser) - Inf. Coordinators, Deitroit 1984
Harmony in its Systemic and Phe-nomenological Aspects (Yizhak Sadai) - Yanetz, Jerusalem, 1980
Tomorrow's Cellist: Exploring the Basis of Artistery (Marcus Ade-ney) - Harris, Oakville, Ontario, 1984
Music-Lab: A book of Sound Ideas (John Forster) - Universal, London 1983
20th. Century Music (Richard Bur-bank) - Fact of File, N.Y. 1984
The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments (red. af Stanley Sadie)
Music: a Living Language (Tom Manoff)-Norton, N.Y. 1982
Living School Music (William Sa-laman) - Cambridge Uni. Press. 1984
A Generative Theory of Tonal Music (F. Lehrdahl and R. Jackendoff) - MIT Press, Cambridge Mass, and London 1983
Phantastik als Konstruktion in Berlioz5 »Symfonie fantastique« (Chr. Berger) - Bärenreiter, Kassel 1983
Music as Heard: a Study in Applied Phenomenology (Thomas Clifton) - Yale Uni. Press, New Haven and London 1983
A Dictionary of Amarican Composers (Neil Butterworth) -Garland, N.Y. and London 1984
Music: a Comprehensive Catalogue of Doctoral Dissertations 1861-1983 (red. af Marilyn Meeker and Sundra Cee Flans-burg) - UMI/Bowker, London 1983
Erinnerungen an Bêla Bartok (Jena Takacs) - Doblinger/Universal, Vienna und Munich 1982
The Science of Music Sound (John R. Pierce) - Scientific American, N.Y. and San Francisco 1983