My name is Katarina Gryvul – would you like to see my playlist?
»For me music is meditative chaos.«
Katarina Gryvul is a Ukrainian composer, violinist, music producer, and founder of Gryvul School. She emphasizes timbre as the primary element of form in her compositions. positioned between classical and electronic scenes, she has developed a unique way of composing that melds classical contemporary approaches with modern music technology. Gryvul works in the field of ambisonics and multichannel composition, utilizing live electronics for instruments and voice alongside analog modular synths. At the heart of her artistic vision lies the concept of duality, a theme intricately woven into every facet of her musical expression.
Seismografs playliste er skabt af kunstnere, musikere, kokke, forfattere og cykelryttere. Hver person anbefaler fem musikstykker, som verden skal høre. Stafetten sendes videre.
En playliste er en liste med video- eller lydfiler, som kan spilles på en radiokanal eller i et program til afspilning af lydfiler. Nogle mennesker mener, deres bedste venner er playlister. Playlister siges at være noget af det mest intime, man kan dele.