Mountain meets urban waterfront
Experimental audio paper
Listen to the audio paper in Sound Cloud
The audio paper is an experiment in combining two different soundscapes: a sonic composition of field recordings from Hallingskarvet mountain and an urban waterfront atmosphere, with the site-specific real time sounds of Islands Brygge. Baixinho and Blom explore what happens when we mix sounds from a Norwegian mountain with sounds from a Danish urban, post-industrial waterfront environment and its contemporary recreational uses. How does the pre-existent aural environment integrate and dialogue with our “invading” sonic composition? How do sounds mix, overlap or distinguish themselves? The audio paper reflects on the content of both independent soundscapes and explores the outcomes of this mingling.
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Schafer, M. (1994) The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World. Rochester: Vt.: Destiny Books.
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Schubert, D. (2008) Transformation Processes on Waterfronts in Seaport Cities – Causes and Trends between Divergence and Convergence. Kokot, Waltraud et al (Eds.) Port cities as Areas of Transition: Ethnographic Perspectives. Bielefeld: Transcript, 25-46.
Thibaud, J-P. (2011) A sonic paradigm of urban ambiances, Journal of Sonic Studies, Vol. 1(1). Available from http://journal.sonicstudies.org/vol01/nr01/a02.
Fluid Sounds

Audio Papers – a manifesto
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- Sanne Krogh Groth,
- Kristine Samson

Idiosyncrasy as Method
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- Holger Schulze

Hearing on the verge
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- Nicole De Brabandere,
- Graham Flett

Through the air with the greatest of ease: Phonogenie
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Place Time (Sounds)
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“Like sitting inside a phone”
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The New “Amagerkaner”
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Between maps and territories
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- Jan Stricker

A Sound Factory on Amager
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- Katrine Pram Nielsen

Mountain meets urban waterfront
An audio paper combining soundscapes from Norwegian mountains with a Danish urban, post-industrial waterfront.
- Alexandra Baixinho ,
- Tine Blom