»What do you mean when you say feminine?«
Sounding Women's Work | »The terms feminine and masculine are used as if we all understand what they represent,« says Anja Jacobsen from the band Selvhenter and member of rehearsal place Mayhem.
Sounding Women's Work | »The terms feminine and masculine are used as if we all understand what they represent,« says Anja Jacobsen from the band Selvhenter and member of rehearsal place Mayhem.
Sounding Women's Work | Kunstnerparret Ragnhild May og Kristoffer Raasted ser deres fælles praksis fleksibelt – det er vigtigt, at deres veletablerede individuelle fremgangsmåder er startpunktet for det kollaborative projekt.
Sounding Women's Work | Everything is entangled – freedom and discipline, conscious and unconscious. For Lotte Anker walking in to the tones a fascinating learning process, and it's necessary to step into the unknown.
Sounding Women's Work | »For the last thousands of years, it has been difficult to see or hear women. I hope that will change in the next many thousands of years to come, so that there is room for both men and women - and all other definitions of gender,« says Danish-American composer Lil Lacy.
Sounding Women's Work | »It's not a choice whether I want to relate to my gender and my body in my work – the outside world has decided that it is a theme,« says British-Danish Juliana Hodkinson, who does not have much of a romantic approach to composing and accepts the truth of the sketch.
Sounding Women's Work | »Det har igennem de sidste tusindvis af år været svært at få øje eller øre på kvinderne. Det håber jeg kommer til at ændre sig de næste tusinde år, så der både er plads til mænd og kvinder – og alle andre definitioner af køn,« siger den dansk-amerikanske komponist Lil Lacy.