Moderne Mandage
Anmeldelse af koncertserien Moderne Mandage.
Anmeldelse af koncertserien Moderne Mandage.
Digitalization was influential on AUT coming into the new millennium. Hjarne Fessel on a paradoxical atmosphere of openness and seclusion.
AUT was trying to find its own identity compared to NUMUS and the conservatory. Hjarne Fessel remembers the period as a time with a strong faith in the future.
Erling Kullberg on the first ten years of AUT, a time when the Danish scene for new music was noticeably decentralized – not least due to some assiduous musicians.
Digitaliseringen prægede AUT ved indgangen til det nye årtusind. Hjarne Fessel beretter om en paradoksal stemning af åbenhed og eksklusivitet.
AUT forsøgte at finde sin egen identitet i forhold til NUMUS og konservatoriet. Hjarne Fessel husker tiåret som fuldt af tro på fremtiden.