All Tomorrow's Music
One of Europe’s oldest contemporary music festivals comes to Aarhus. We profile Ung Nordisk Musik, which is as ageless as Madonna and contains Icelandic vulgarities from 1612.
One of Europe’s oldest contemporary music festivals comes to Aarhus. We profile Ung Nordisk Musik, which is as ageless as Madonna and contains Icelandic vulgarities from 1612.
En af Europas ældste festivaler for moderne klassisk musik kommer til Aarhus. Vi tegner et portræt af Ung Nordisk Musik, der er tidsløs som Madonna og rummer islandske vulgariteter fra 1612.
For Guitarist Mikkel Schou er det den helt nyskrevne musik, der giver mening. Hans kommende debutkoncert udtrykker et opgør med institutionel vanetænkning.
Ung Nordisk Musik-festivalen, formentlig en af de mest umulige festivaler i verden, er også en af de mest oplysende, der findes.
The Young Nordic Music festival, one of the most impossible festivals in the world, is also one of the most enlightening ones.
Are commercial demands starting to influence contemporary music in the Nordic countries? James Black writes from the UNM Festival in Bergen, Norway.