The composer as curator
How John Cage deconstructed the governed gallery experience and formed a new field of research.
How John Cage deconstructed the governed gallery experience and formed a new field of research.
A curatorial reading of Bruce Nauman’s sound installation “Für Kinder” calling for a post-medium approach to sound art.
A methodology of working with embodied sound and movement as an approach to creating open score pieces.
The current practice of the new format of the audio paper as well as its brief history.
The article suggests a “diagrammatic” reading of the notion of the acousmatic, where an experiential tension unfolds based on what can and cannot be seen, in relation to what is heard.
This article argues that as historic avant-gardes made visible the destruction of art, so modified records attempt to make audible the destruction of sound.
Considering the relationship between interpersonal understanding and propagandist rhetoric, the article speculates on the ethical implications of such a relationship.
This paper seeks to explore digital media polemics in relation to the use of sound in ‘algorithmic culture’ discussing two artistic works by the author himself.
An investigation of the sonic and durational experiences that formed the encounter with three artworks at the museum Dia:Beacon.
Questioning sound as an ‘exhibited’ artistic object from a conceptual leaning, the article address sound’s subjective inclination as an experience beyond the material object.
Holger Schulze’s keynote presentation asking for individual idiosyncrasies as parts of research methodologies.
A germinal manifesto for the audio paper.