How does hope sound in minus 30 degrees?
They have a bivouac, a couple of churches and a cultural festival – in northern Norway's Kirkenes, people are prepared if the worst happens.
They have a bivouac, a couple of churches and a cultural festival – in northern Norway's Kirkenes, people are prepared if the worst happens.
De har en bivuak, et par kirker og en kulturfestival – i nordnorske Kirkenes er folk beredte, hvis det værste sker.
På Warszawa Efterår er de ikke kun optaget af lyde. Den polske festival prøver at påvirke virkeligheden med nye navne og ideer.
At Warsaw Autumn, they are not only focused on sounds. The Polish festival aims to influence reality with new names and ideas.
Var det bare for sjov, at verdens ældste festival for nordisk samtidsmusik rejste til Skotland? Nej, det var en hel dannelsesrejse.
Was it just for fun that the world's oldest festival for Nordic contemporary music traveled to Scotland? No, it was an educational journey.