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My name is Johannes Sigurdsen – would you like to see my playlist?

»For me music is emotions, life, love and language. Food is like music, we can't avoid it, we strive for it because we need it. Music is art in past, present and future, it will always evolve in time – but at the same time timeless as well. Music stands where words fail.« 

Johannes Sigurdsen is among the 13 artists nominated for the Nordic Council Music Prize 2023. Sigurdsen is from Nuuk, Greenland. Raised in Ikerasak. Self taught musician, guitarist, singer songwriter and music teacher. His nickname SIGU is also his artist name. SIGU is abbrevation of his last name: Sigurdsen. SIGU published his debut album Ujartaraat Qaamaneq in May 2022. He is recently student in Master of Music in pedagogical developement in RMC, Copenhagen. 

Seismografs playliste er skabt af kunstnere, musikere, kokke, forfattere og cykelryttere. Hver person anbefaler fem musikstykker, som verden skal høre. Stafetten sendes videre.

En playliste er en liste med video- eller lydfiler, som kan spilles på en radiokanal eller i et program til afspilning af lydfiler. Nogle mennesker mener, deres bedste venner er playlister. Playlister siges at være noget af det mest intime, man kan dele. 

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