© Benjamin Tarp
© Benjamin Tarp

My name is Lucky Lo – would you like to see my playlist?

»I play music to connect people and I sing melodies to encourage community. I believe in the transformative power of music and love.«

Lucky Lo's (Lo Ersare) mission is to unite people through music by shining a light on the dark sides of life and transforming our struggles and worries into joy and hope. In a time  where mental illness is described as Denmark’s biggest public disease, Lucky Lo sees music as a vital tool for processing the challenges we face throughout life. 

She was awarded Talent of the Year at the Danish music publisher’s awards, Carl Prisen, and the Swedish music critic's award, Skaps Prisen. Her recent album bears the title The Big Feel.


Seismografs playliste er skabt af kunstnere, musikere, kokke, forfattere og cykelryttere. Hver person anbefaler fem musikstykker, som verden skal høre. Stafetten sendes videre.

En playliste er en liste med video- eller lydfiler, som kan spilles på en radiokanal eller i et program til afspilning af lydfiler. Nogle mennesker mener, deres bedste venner er playlister. Playlister siges at være noget af det mest intime, man kan dele. 

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