© Pasquale
© Pasquale

My name is Pasquale Ivan Dante Rinaldi – would you like to see my playlist?

»Music for me is the only way to say things that are too hard to say with words.«

Pasquale Ivan Dante Rinaldi is an Italian jazz piano player and composer living in Aarhus, Denmark. After graduating from NOMAZZ( Nordic Master in Jazz), he finished his Advanced Postgraduate Diploma (Solist) in DJM in Aarhus. He is also a teacher an educator, teaching ensemble in the conservatory in Aarhus. In his career he recorded several record as a band member and sideman, such as the ones with Deezmal, Maisemat, Martina Di Roma, Patton/Padoin/Rinaldi. He just released his first album as a bandleader, Short Story Long, featuring Fulvio Sigurtà on trumpet, Jesper Bodilsen on bass, and Alessandro Paternesi on drums


Seismografs playliste er skabt af kunstnere, musikere, kokke, forfattere og cykelryttere. Hver person anbefaler fem musikstykker, som verden skal høre. Stafetten sendes videre.

En playliste er en liste med video- eller lydfiler, som kan spilles på en radiokanal eller i et program til afspilning af lydfiler. Nogle mennesker mener, deres bedste venner er playlister. Playlister siges at være noget af det mest intime, man kan dele. 

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