My name is Ryong – would you like to see my playlist?
»Music for me is: inevitable.«
Ryong is a composer, artist & DJ that explores: Danish and Korean heritage, spirituality, embodiment, family and love, Ryong is also a member of the experimental pop band haloplus+. Across her releases, she draws on both ambient, noise and pop music, incorporating the sound of field recordings and spoken word. Having previously released on Why Be’s label Yegorka, and debuting on Posh Isolation with Isa Ryong, an 11 part work that explores transition and the anguish of complexity, Ryong has established herself as a unique artist in the experimental electronic music scene in Copenhagen.
Seismografs playliste er skabt af kunstnere, musikere, kokke, forfattere og cykelryttere. Hver person anbefaler fem musikstykker, som verden skal høre. Stafetten sendes videre.
En playliste er en liste med video- eller lydfiler, som kan spilles på en radiokanal eller i et program til afspilning af lydfiler. Nogle mennesker mener, deres bedste venner er playlister. Playlister siges at være noget af det mest intime, man kan dele.