2024: An Earful of Chaos
Chaotic times call for chaotic music. But also soft techno, flutists and yoga balls. Jennifer Gersten and Andreo Michaelo Mielczarek wrap up the musical year in a conversation between New York and Aarhus.
Chaotic times call for chaotic music. But also soft techno, flutists and yoga balls. Jennifer Gersten and Andreo Michaelo Mielczarek wrap up the musical year in a conversation between New York and Aarhus.
Kaotiske tider kalder på kaotisk musik. Men også blød techno, fløjtespillere og yogabolde. Jennifer Gersten og Andreo Michaelo Mielczarek samler op på det musikalske år i en samtale mellem New York og Aarhus.
Andrew Mellor reviews the Norwegian equivalent to Copenhagen’s Gong Tomorrow, the Only Connect festival in Oslo.