En moderne festival med en hukommelse
På Warszawa Efterår er de ikke kun optaget af lyde. Den polske festival prøver at påvirke virkeligheden med nye navne og ideer.
På Warszawa Efterår er de ikke kun optaget af lyde. Den polske festival prøver at påvirke virkeligheden med nye navne og ideer.
At Warsaw Autumn, they are not only focused on sounds. The Polish festival aims to influence reality with new names and ideas.
Feminist readings of 20th-century electronic music history cannot avoid questioning the notion of canon and canon-oriented historiographical practices. Shedding light on women composers from non-Western contexts can further come in handy in searching for ways to engage with the history of gender in music beyond mainstreaming and the rhetoric of exceptionalism.
Heaven, hell, love and country – life’s biggest mysteries were studied at the Polish festival Sacrum Profanum. And it ended well for two Danes.
Himmel, helvede, kærlighed og country – det var livets største mysterier, som blev gransket på den polske festival Sacrum Profanum. Og det endte godt for de to danskere.
Warsaw Autumn is on its way to becoming a victim of its own success, James Black writes in his essay from the Polish capital.