John Cage
Når musik bliver spil
Hvad sker der, når samtidsmusik og videospil smelter sammen, og publikum selv er med til at forme værkets forløb?

Komposition og appropriation
Hvordan balancerer komponister mellem inspiration, lån og appropriation? Musikalsk skabelse har altid været en dialog med fortiden og omverdenen – men hvor går grænsen mellem kunstnerisk udveksling og etiske dilemmaer?

En moderne festival med en hukommelse
På Warszawa Efterår er de ikke kun optaget af lyde. Den polske festival prøver at påvirke virkeligheden med nye navne og ideer.

A Modern Festival with a Memory
At Warsaw Autumn, they are not only focused on sounds. The Polish festival aims to influence reality with new names and ideas.

Gender, Canon, and Eastern European Women Pioneers of 20th-century Electronic Music
Feminist readings of 20th-century electronic music history cannot avoid questioning the notion of canon and canon-oriented historiographical practices. Shedding light on women composers from non-Western contexts can further come in handy in searching for ways to engage with the history of gender in music beyond mainstreaming and the rhetoric of exceptionalism.

How we learned to love repetition
There are very few forces as powerful as insistent repetition. The German media critic Tilman Baumgärtel has written a poetic, knowledgeable and surprising book about the loop.