How we learned to love repetition
There are very few forces as powerful as insistent repetition. The German media critic Tilman Baumgärtel has written a poetic, knowledgeable and surprising book about the loop.
There are very few forces as powerful as insistent repetition. The German media critic Tilman Baumgärtel has written a poetic, knowledgeable and surprising book about the loop.
Der findes ganske få kræfter, der er så stærke som den insisterende gentagelse. Den tyske mediekritiker Tilman Baumgärtel har skrevet en poetisk, vidende og overraskende bog om loopet.
Museum of Portable Sound indsamler og udstiller lyde som kulturelle objekter. Besøgende kan lytte til den første piratkopierede mp3 og lyden af Freuds toilet i Wien – og alle museets samlinger ligger på kurator John Kannenbergs iPhone 4S.
The sound of Freud’s toilet in Wienna, Andy Warhol in the supermarket, and the first pirated mp3 ever – Museum of Portable Sound collects and exhibits sound as cultural objects. And the sounds in the collections are only accessible from curator John Kannenberg’s iPhone 4S.